May The Fourth Be With Us All

Tue 4 May 2021 01:11
sog3 cog120 wind 12kts ENE
I've turned the boat, creeping south east, and not going too far south. Lanza wpt is 343nm on 112 but the wind will have to turn a bit yet to make that, so I'll keep the 2nd reef and slower speed to hold the northing until then, cos I can't actually tack back to regain it when wind does turn north... Simon says wind turns more north tomorrow but dies on Friday. Ok that's enough jeopardy I think. It'll be fine, it's always fine.
May the fourth last year I was in St Martin and I spoofed the morning VHF net with Star Wars theme and "May The Fourth" quotes at 7:29 just before the net due at 7:30. I think it's only Samuel Jackson who ever says "May the force be with us all" in the Star Wars canon. Alright, Empire, whatever.