Wednesday 17th June

Wed 17 Jun 2020 05:30
Today marks three full weeks at sea since setting off Wednesday 27th May. It's 2,311nm back to Marigot Bay in St Martin/SXM, and the track log shows an extra few hundred miles at 3,021.
Simon Says the wind has sorted itself out At Last, which is now coming at us from the west, will slowly move to the north tomorrow and then set in from the north-east. We'll head east and maybe a bit north from now to get a better angle on the NE wind when it arrives. No particular rush from here so we're having a comfy time wafting downwind overnight on headsail alone. I'll gybe north when someone else gets up soon. Fabulous sailing day yesterday again, and the next few days look good too.
We are Home Free on the fuel so I can chuck the whole lot in the tank in the morning all fine - we'll only use it for a bit of battery charging and getting around to the marina. I use a big-diameter "rattly pipe" to transfer fuel - a very fast simple siphon - which I bought from that guy at the Southampton Boat Show, and which can completely empty a 20litre jerrycan in under a minute without spilling or leaving a drop. You have to hold the can to one side on a corner to get all the fuel out. I might go again this year and buy another spare if he's still there - the Dutch guy, hangs about outside demonstrating the thing.
Thanks again to Cheryl back in SXM on sailing yacht Gypsy Blues, and to Paul on s/y Nathanial - they helped me with some downloads and I now have a quite massive 120Gb of music on iTunes.
In sports news, Nurdle Drurdle resumed with a blistering performance from Ampi who thrashed all challengers, winning the latest three sets of first-to-five in only 27 hands/games. Ampi moves ahead in all stats, 5/53 means she won 5 sets and 53 hands in June with all-time figures of 6/69. Anna just behind Ampi in June is at 4/46 ahead of Matt at 3/46 - same number of game wins but Matt not as effective in winning sets. Matt also slips in the all-time figures at 6/68, Ampi with one more game win at 6/69. Sam is poised for another comeback, efficient recent figures of 3/35 is just over 11hands per set win.