Mid sept ...

Usually, a transat sailing trip simply requires that you deal with (and fabulously overcome!) your own concerns or secret fears with careful planning, good preparation, and a bit of determination. This is already in progress with you choosing Mojo which itself is having a $50k+ refit this summer in Lanzarote. New standing rigging and lots more. But this year 2020, we may have to deal with the exacerbated fears of many others, too. Fear is not always unfounded, but it is often unconstructive and unhelpful. It’s simply untrue that you are “safe” from any disease with a paper mask and handwashing, and likewise just putting on a lifejacket isn’t enough to sail oceans safely, either. We’ll take the boat out and get familiar with all the gear before we go. Whatever your thoughts regarding the pandemic, it doesn’t actually affect a transatlantic sailing trip. You can look forward to 2-3 weeks of NO masks at all, hurrah! The pandemic stuff will almost certainly affect admin at each end, but we’ll do our best to minimise hassles. Even if we are required to quarantine, we can likely still leave to sail to another island and/or get on a plane to fly off elsewhere. For some, responsibility for cooking one day in every four is Much more scary than any sailing! And what about that bread-making idea?! Again, never fear - help is at hand. We’ll all agree easy enough meals, pack and freeze things, and I’ll help you with cooking (and bread-making, and sailing) as required. You’ll still have to wash up though, haha.