Outside lane

Mon 23 Nov 2020 20:41
All fine. Foresail motorsailing through the first night, wind around 14knots from E. This morning (Monday) we put up Ahab the Pirate Parasailor, and cruised along at around 7knot average.
Several speedy racy sailboats came past us as we motorsailed through the Sunday night, one or two rather hopefully shining a torch on their sails as they clattered through just ahead of us. Nice try! But I'm pretty sure that Rule 13 of the International Rules of Prevention of Collisions at Sea (IRPCS) says the overtaking vessel (them) keeps clear and the overtaken vessel stands on - doesn't matter whether either vessel is power, sail or pedalo. Lots of sailing types seem to be taught only an over-simplistic "power gives way to sail". Not always, especially not when they're banging along at over 12knots, I think.
Otherwise a gentle Sunday night with just a few knots of wind behind yesterday evening increased in early morning to almost 20knots.
Parasailor launched at midday. I try to avoid foredeck pyjama parties so i kinda set the sails for the night and That's It. Wind is forecast to drop a little anyway so we'll stay with this 6-10 kmot option.
All except Aixa have been sadly somewhat seasick, but I imagine it'll pass, sp tp speak. Jess gets an all-night sleep so we all might be Back On tomorrow Tuesday. Dolphins this afternoon but they were a bit late- more like 5:15 rather than the 4pm I predicted.
Ahan producing good speed and long surfs