MOJO transatlantic blog incoming

Saturday 23rd May 2020 - T minus 5 days
I found crew! Not actually met them yet, but they sound intelligent and fun enough. Sam is from uk, has a snowboard with him, and is an adventurous lone world traveller, hasn't been back to the UK for over a year. Ampi was working as sous-chef in swish restaurants but they don’t do restaurants very much these days. Her Dad is in Spain, and so a sailing trip to Lanzarote is a step in the right direction. If you add up both their ages, then they’re almost exactly the same age as me. They’re very excited on the Whatsapp thing.
The plan is to leave St Martin on this coming Wednesday morning, heading towards Lanzarote 2800 miles away. The boat has to be out of the hurricane zone over summer, but the usual places to park a boat for a few months (like Trinidad) say Meh, or No, and/or they have no planes back to Europe anyway.
My (quite) cunning plan is to be in Lanzarote when they (hopefully) start the planes again AND the boat will be in a good spot to drift back to the Caribbean next winter, too. Being in Lanzarote also allows some ace boat engineers to Do Stuff as part of Mojo's ongoing refit and maintenance program. But the boat is already (at last) ready to go offshore without "hoping" things will be okay - the main stuff is all fine now. We'll just have to try and manage without an icemaker or Jacuzzi, somehow.
The crew are due join the boat Monday morning, which gives us time to look over the boat, buy stuff, buy food and all that on Monday and Tuesday.
I’m mainly just testing the system here. The idea is that people (like you) will get any blog into your inbox. But I'm doing this blog from my normal email address.
Let me know (reply) if you DON'T want to get Bcc from MOJO satphone blog. If you don't reply, the blogs will keep coming as Mojo sails across the Atlantic, maybe one a day. You can see the blog anytime anyway so this might just be more clutter into your inbox. No problem, let me know asap.
Let me know (reply) if you want someone else to get this Bcc fom Mojo satphone blog as well (or instead).
This all works with Iridium satellite phones. Mojo has two satellite phones. We also have two engines, two liferafts - and now two crew, hurrah!
Mojo's main shoreside contact is Simon as above, but you shouldn't really need to contact him much if at all. Simon's in the UK.
Finally, if you're reading this and normally charge me for your time, advice or expertise - this is fun FYI only. You can't really charge me for reading foolish Mojo blog entries. Sorry.
Matt, MOJO
rather poor picture from Mojo at anchor right now in Marigot Bay St Martin FWI