Day 2 - Bermuda to Azores
Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Tue 27 May 2008 19:29
Date: 27th May 2008
Well the in the last 24 hours we have covered 141 Nautical miles, although it looks less on the chart, and not as good as the previous 24 hour period, but then we've been avoiding areas of ocean likely to give us more adverse weather. Right now we're charging East North East as fast as we can, so that we can avoid 3 areas of low pressure forming behind us, and to get to a position where we will get favourable winds. So if you are following our progress on the Google Map on this website; you will know that we haven't gone crazy, we're just looking for good weather patterns and avoiding bad ones!
The weather in the last 24 hours has been odd to say he least. A mixture of high seas, big winds and flat calms - and this morning a fog bank!
We're still trying to dry out our stuff after the bashing we had in the first 24 hours, and it isn't easy as there is a constant dampness around. But the weather is a lot more benign to us today, and the sun has been shining on occasion. I think it normally takes Anette and I about 48 hours to settle down to a 'routine' on board, working our own quite effective watch-keeping routine, which was quite difficult for us to start off given the events of the recent 24 hours. We were originally going to have a delivery crew bring Talulah back from Bermuda for us, as we had work commitments. Then we were supposed to have more folks on board for this trip, but neither of those - for a variety of reasons - were to be in the end so here we are again double-handing!
There is not much to see (as you'd expect!), but some rather strange jelly fish with sail fins and a beautiful blue body have floated past. We seem to see a ship every 18 hours or so here in the North Atlantic, which is quite different from the mid-Atlantic crossing, where we saw shipping every three or so days if we were lucky. As I write this log, we are experiencing an easterly breeze of 15 to 19 knots and are slicing through the water at 7.5 knots - perfect!
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