Talulah's Log - Boat Yard and going home

Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Tue 16 Jan 2007 23:36
Well the boat is ashore in Grenada right now, in a (hopefully) well protected boat yard.    It got hauled out and bottom scrubbed on the 12th.   Anette and I scrubbed the decks, I changed the sacrificial anode that was just hanging loosely there, and did other shore based jobs.   We met some good people and were impressed by the efficiency of the boat yard.
It's hot - very hot and humid.   The boat is on dry land about 200 metres from the sea, and surrounded by jungle and mosquitoes, which have a party every night, dining on us.   We have a party every morning  -  scratching.   It rains every hour.   Hot tropical rain.    It's great, and it's also annoying - Anette can't get her washing dry.   But the boat yard is great - friendly people, good reggae and a cool bar.   We feel at home oddly enough.
We should stay.   But we have tickets on an airplane to Plymouth, via Barbados, St Lucia and Gatwick.   Round-about way we know, but for various reasons this is happening.
Tonight I will wear socks, shoes and long trousers for the first time in 2 months - horrible!
We are both sad.
We have return tickets for early April, but we've a feeling that we may be back on the boat before then...............................