Back on the boat again!

Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Mon 19 Mar 2007 17:28
Well, we're back in Grenada having taken a round-about
route via Barbados and Tobago (don't ask why!!). It's good to be
back, and we spent the first two days ashore,antifouling Talulah, getting
bitten by mosquitoes and sand flies and generally preparing to put Talulah back
in the water. The heat was oppressive whilst ashore, a
very sweaty 32 degrees Celsius up in our little jungle creek where Talulah is
stored. But all went well, and Talulah was put back in the water on
15th May.
Being afloat again was great, we loitered around off
the end of the dock at St David's whilst we checked the engines and seacocks and
then set off for Hog Island for the night. The wind blew hard - but
the sun was out - and there were no mosquitoes! We settled into an
easy anchorage, went ashore to Roger's beach bar, had a couple of beers then got
back into the dinghy for the trip back to Talulah.
next day we sailed round to Hartman Bay, the idea being to get ashore there,
take a taxi ride into town for a shopping trip, and then take a
bus trip up to Gouyave, a small town up on the west coast of Grenada, which
has an event called "Fish Friday" every week. This is where a couple
of streets in the town are blocked off, and stalls set up selling all manner of
seafood, rum punch and beer. The food was fantastic, with all kinds
of fish barbecued, baked, fried, kebab and so on. Absolutely
delicious - and we will have to go again as it was impossible to sample it all
in one night.
We're anchored back at Hog Island again right now,
waiting for the Sunday Barbeque and Band over at Roger's beach bar again later
today (Sunday). There's 20 knots of wind - enough to take the edge
off the 29 degrees of steamy heat, a turquoise sea, bright sun and we're
going to dive off the boat in an hour or so, to cool down.

Talulah going back in the water

Roger's beach bar in the