"28:07.352N 15:25.407W"

Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Wed 15 Nov 2006 16:54
Well, here we are again back on the boat, after 3
months away, waiting for the start of the ARC. Anette and I flew
from Cornwall via Gatwick to Lanzarote, got on the boat, washed away 3
months or Sahara sand from her decks, washed the thirst of the journey from
our throats, and got Talulah ready for the trip to Gran Canaria, where the Rally
across the Atlantic was due to start from.
left Marina Rubicon on Lanzarote at 5 o,clock in the evening. It was a
little grey, with more sand being blown over to the Canaries from the
Sahara. But as darkness drew in, the skies cleared, and we skimmed
across a beautiful black sea underneath a canopy of stars that seemed so close
that you could almost touch them. Dolphins shot past us at 2 a.m.,
leaving tails of phosphorus bubbles, diving and frolicking in Talulah's bow
wave. What a first night back at sea!
sped on through the night, with the wind fickly blowing. We took our
3 hour watches, brewing tea, munching biscuits and just watching the
night. Dawn came quickly, and then we saw Gran Canaria on the
horizon. 3 hours later we berthed at Las Palmas in the Vela Latino
Marina - next to some huge catamarans that seemed to dwarf Talulah.
But people seemed friendly, we helped with other folks lines, went to the
Chandlers, bought courtesy flags for 18 different countries!, and waited for the
'Cocktail Party' in the evening......a perfect start.
Here's a photo of us just minutes before leaving Marina