Talulah's Log - 1088 miles to go!

Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Sat 9 Dec 2006 20:18
position "14:38.340N 42:17.596W"
Saturday 9th December 2006
Today was unusual in that the morning was cooler, less sticky than the previous week.   The 'steamy heat' that seemed to come from the African coast has left us at last.   There was a dew on the boat and the promise of a hot day to come.   And so it was, with the temperature climbing to 30 degrees Celsius, and the water just half a degree behind!   The flying fish have abandoned us - none on the deck this morning, so no mess to clear up!
The wind had eased a little, still coming from the ENE, so we decided to put the parasail spinnaker up, and then changed course directly to St Lucia.  I had the 'exciting' task of stripping the cooling system on the generator (third time lucky!!), putting it back together again, and getting it working - which it did (How surprised was I??!!).   After sweating and swearing for 3 hours on this task, Anette and I sat on the trampoline in the heat, and drank a couple of iced cold cans of beer under the shade of the high flying parasail, with Talulah doing 7 to 8 knots westwards.
We made loads of water with the water maker, had showers and now we're settling down for supper and the night watches - after sundowners of course!!
Altogether a not-very-exciting-day, about time too!