Talulah's log - just over half way!

Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Thu 7 Dec 2006 21:10
position "16:01.673N
Thursday 7th December
Well, so much for the
generator working again! It stopped again at 3:00 this morning - same
problem. The spectre of
little fresh water and no satellite
communications loomed, and so once
daylight came I set to with spanners and sealant (and a very big hammer!), and made a "temporary"
fix......It works! I've called Fischer Panda, the generator manufacturers, and they should be
sending spares to my Son, Andrew, who will bring them to St Lucia when
he comes out next
week. I'll fix it
properly then.
A friend of mine and his wife did the same trip as us
last year, and he told us that although his wife spent a lot of time reading
books - all he read was ' equipment manuals'.....I know exactly what he meant,
as I now know the part number of every single "ersatzteil" on my "schone
Deutsch" diesel engine generator!!! Sad isn't
Last night was pretty
awful all round. Although the moon was up, so were the waves, some of them plumping
themselves in the cockpit, and some just
giving us a thoroughly good bashing
and throwing us off course.
been told by the 'chef' (with can opener in hand), that the galley is self
service tonight...! Yummee - maybe I'll get those tinned baby
octopus on toast after all!!
The sun is shining this evening, it's warm but
humid, I hope we have a better evening than last night.........and we
have less than 1400 miles now - the home straight!!(?) I'm thinking of those rum punches