Day 6 to Bermuda

“30:35.46N 064:19.63W” Noon, 15th
April 2008 Well the wind has
picked up and we have 25 knots gusting to 32 on occasion, the sea is rough and
there are some very big waves that we are surfing down. I
don’t feel however that we need to deploy the drogue, but we have the
sails well reefed and we’re steering by hand on occasion. Its
great! Only 111 nautical miles to go so we should arrive at Five Fathom Hole,
just off St Georges in Big waves follow
us….. It difficult to get
perspective on the size of some of these waves with the camera – but they
are Quite large! Even when the boat is
taking a bone jarring bashing – it does not stop Anette from cooking
dinner! |