Day 2 to Bermuda

Position “19:06.520N
062:24.36W” Noon, 10th
April 2008 Our computer has just
died! We were doing fine but now we’ve no electronic charts, no weather
fax, no HF email communications – and we can’t play Solitaire!!!
So I immediately got out my laptop and started loading on to it as much as I
could from the back up discs that we carry. Once that was done, I set about
giving the computer a good “talking to”. I dismantled it, cleaned
all the terminals, made sure everything was clean and gave it a liberal squirt
of WD40. Then guess what? It started to work again!!!! Good stuff is WD
40. Anyway, only 735
nautical miles to go – and the wind has dropped! Lots of sun and warm
too, but little wind. There was a great sunset this evening though…. Sunset after a day of
little or no wind - |