Day 5 to Bermuda
Talulah's Web Diary
Paul & Anette Morris
Mon 28 Apr 2008 13:27
Position “28:12.610N
063:55.610W” Noon, 14th
April 2008 The wind has come
around and we now have a good South West breeze pushing us North on a moderate
sea. 244 miles to run –
and we are sailing well – which is just as well as the alternator stopped
working on our starboard engine early this morning. So later, after
day break I got my manuals out, took the alternator off, stripped it down –
gave it a good “talking to”, more WD 40 and hey presto! Its working
again! Who invented WD40 anyway? He deserves a medal!
It was all done in 3 hours. Just before the ‘lumpy’
weather that we were due …….. Views through the main
cabin windows |