Port Ghalib to Ras Abu Soma Egypt

26:51.086N 33:58.711E
We finally escaped from lockdown in the desert at Port Ghalib, Egypt on Tuesday, 12th May after 2 long months!
Next stop was the Customs Dock for Clearance, this we knew could take a while and as Syd had noticed the Engine Blower was not working when he had turned the engine on in the morning, he disappeared below in the hope of fixing that before we headed out into the wind and sea. Various officials came and went and Syd worked on down below, suddenly ‘eureka’ he had found the problem – when he had taken the non working generator out to be taken to Hurghada to hopefully get it repaired (which it hadnt been!) he had disconnected the earth wire from the Blower. Solution, he temporarily connected the earth wire to the Bilge Pump and like magic it worked. All this was just in time as our paperwork was returned and we were given permission to go – in fact the police were quite insistent we did go as they wanted to get home for the Ramadan feeding frenzy at sunset!
About 3.00pm lines were cast off and we were free, fenders and ropes stored and we headed out between the reefs into the open sea. There was a strong wind blowing slightly West of North so sails went up and we motor sailed out then managed to turn the engine off and sailed. Did a few tacks in and out for a couple of hours until the wind started to die then the engine went on and we motor sailed in the direction we were meant to - North. Wind died and we motored on, Syd had a sleep and I took first watch. About midnight the waves started picking up. By dawn the wind had really picked up and it was bang on the nose so in went 2 reefs in the mainsail, the sea was big now with horrible steep waves and constant waves crashing over the boat as she buried her nose into them. It was pretty uncomfortable and as we were only making progress at 2-3 knots it was going to take a long time to cover the remaining distance. ETA at Ras Abu Soma – our first stop – had been early morning but this was revised to late afternoon. We bashed on and eventually saw the marker posts indicating the reef outside Safaga.
We turned in behind the reef at about 1.00pm and got the mainsail down before threading through the reef network to take us safely into the protected anchorage at Ras Abu Soma. We dropped the anchor at about 2.30pm relieved to be out of the battering wind and salt water showers.
Ras Abu Soma or Soma Bay appears to be another purpose built holiday place with massive resorts (empty at the moment!). It is apparently a Kite Surfers paradise as the wind blows at varying strengths the whole time. The anchorage is well protected from most directions as there is reef surrounding much of it.