Falmouth Harbour and the Classic Yachts on Antigua

Fri 2 May 2008 23:48
17.01N 61.46W
Falmouth Harbour, Antigua Mon14-Thu 24 April
What a simple sail ... put in 1 reef (really should have been
2 , but expected the wind to ease ... and it did!!!!) Set off on 020 degrees
magnetic .. about a 60 degree apparant wind angle and once we had cleared
the rain and no wind zone off Guadaloupe we were galloping along with another
boat the same size right behind us .... No sooner had we cleared the headland
and a vicious rain squall was seen heading down onto us .... a quick roll in of
the genny and we are creaming along in 30 knots + getting even wetter from the
rain than the sea ... but 10 mins later back to a steady 20 to 25 knots and
unroll the genny again and us drying in the sun and off we go .... now
seeing that the boat behind has two reefs in... chicken!!! So what a
doddle .. we took it in turns of an hour each to helm and as the afternoon
came the wind did drop about 5 knots then the boat behind disappeared
backwards over the horizon.. Eventually sails down in Falmouth harbour entrance
... never having changed course or the wind angle ... ALL DAY... now thats a
We came to Antigua to get our gas bottles refilled, but also
really enjoyed a week of watching Classic Yachts gather for and compete in the
annual regatta. We've posted some photos already; more to come, including
hopefully some close-up action shots, when Annabel gets the film from her SLR
camera developed. We got quite mesmerised by the beauty of those yachts,
mostly old, some new builds 'in the spirit of tradition', particularly the large
ones, like the J-classes of which Ranger and Valsheda were there. We
were able to wander along the marina pontoon and see them close up and watched
them go out and return from the racing from our anchorage right at the head of
Falmouth Harbour near the marinas where they were berthed; the crews were partly
full-time professionals and partly paying crew for the regatta, always smartly
dressed in matching t-shirts. All the yachts were of course beautifully
maintained, with smooth varnish, shiny shiny stainless steel, tidy ropes,
reflective hulls etc etc. Some of them also had smart, sometimes also
classic support boats - Valsheda had a large 1950s(?) motor boat which stayed in
the marina and Ranger a small tender which followed it out to the racing. The
small classics usually had rowing or sailing dinghys, although some cheated and
had a standard inflatable as well! There were quite a few Dragons in the
regatta, so Syd seemed quite nostalgic about his racing days. On the first
day of racing we watched them set off from their berths, then dinghy'd to a
beach and climbed up on the headland rather too late to see any more than
distant sails, but it was possible to see the Dragons out front, and
the two J-classes rapidly moving ahead from their latest starting
position. Having been on the same anchorage in Falmouth Harbour since
Tuesday, we decided to sail down to another bay for a night and sailed
out to watch the medium-sized and large yachts start, which was interesting, and
of course, Syd being Syd, somehow once we'd put our sails up, we had to cross
the racing line just as the J-classes and other huge ones were hurtling back to
the start point on their first loop, so we saw them all at (very) close
quarters, and Annabel hopes she got some good action shots.
The other thing we particularly enjoyed about the nearly 2
weeks in Falmouth Harbour was the socialising: meeting up with
some people that we'd met on the ARC - Ian and Andrea from Australia who
were berthed next to us in Las Palmas; Johnathan, the skipper of 'One too many',
who also introduced us to some Americans who gave us lots of information and
hints and tips about Venezuela, which helped us firm up our plans for the
summer; and Jerry who we thought we'd seen in Deshaies and who we'd sat next to
in that long-ago ARC seminar in Guildford last year; Stuart, the young
skipper of Roulette who Annabel had met on her Radio course; we saw
Incognito in the same marina, but only met 2 of the crew on our last
day, as they were arriving for the Antigua Sailing Week. When we arrived
we anchored near another Hylas, the owners of which came; it was great
that Ian and Tracy were english people more in our age group, but
unfortunately they had to leave by the end of the first week to return to the UK
for their 6 months work period - seems like we're pretty unusual in not
returning to the UK for at least part of the summer ! We also enjoyed
several happy hours at the 'Mad Mongoose' which has a great pub atmosphere,
dancing the night away at one of the Classic Regatta parties (cheap but not free
booze for us), we returned after a night down at Green Island in Nonsuch Bay for
the infamous Sunday night barbeque party up at Shirley Heights above English
Harbour, but it rained heavily all night, so we didn't fancy dancing on the
uneven cobbled terrace, even though it was the same band playing lively covers
of Queen, the Stones etc.
That was another night of serious RAIN !!! We filled a
5-litre water bottle from our collecting box (under a leaking bolt in the
forehatch!!!)and the dinghy had a good 6 inches in it !
Saturday 19th and we decide to sail up the coast to Green
Island .. a lovely peacefull spot after all the partying in Falmouth and only 9
miles up trhe coast AND direct to windward .. but only a gentle breeze of 12 to
14 knots .. so we set sail to time us passing the racing when the big boys were
starting .. what a fantastic sight as we just held out of the way to leeward
then sailed off across their sterns. Got through the narrow twisty channel
round the island and dropped the hook in a little sheltered bay all to
ourselves.. Bit of swimming and snorkelling then back the next afternoon ...
wind still about the same so a definite spinnaker run back to Falmouth all up
and setting nicely when we see a squall , looking as though it would just brush
us .... well it did: our apparent wind jumped up to 20 knots we surge along ....
but our spinnaker is a lightweight job ... I am sure I am going
to see it shred itself under the strain ... so get it down fast ....1 snag: the
snuffer doesn`t work at 20 knots of wind in the sail ... I just found out!!!! So
there I am sitting on the foredeck inching the snuffer down by sheer brute
force (those training sessions in the gym payed for themselves in ten minutes
flat!!!...) got about a third of the sail in before the gust blows through ....
And low and behold there was another one behind it bearing down on us .. That's
it, spinnaker in .... Would you believe the rain got us big style but no wind
... so motored the rest of the way back to Falmouth.
We also managed to get a few long-outstanding jobs done on the
boat: a rigging shop at the 'Catamaran Marina' across the other side of Falmouth
Harbour had a spare sheave for the genoa sheet cars (but they charged us
£8 to take the old one off with a gas torch!); Syd bravely went all the way
up the mast to remove the (not so old, but broken off) wind indicator and
install a new one, with plenty of Loctite. The dinghy outboard 'died'
again, as it has done a few times since the overturning in January, but Syd
was pleased to find and fix a loose part in the carburettor, and we reset
the starting cord, which made it run and start much more smoothly than
ever! We had to wait until he'd finished taking part in the classic
regatta, but once we'd got him to come and have a look, Julian from Watermaker
services identified an airlock as the cause of the last failure of the
watermaker, sorted it out and gave us some useful hints and tips on keeping it
working, so we now have our own little desalination plant going if we can't fill
our water tank, (which we need to do about every 3 weeks). The next stage will
be to make the watermaker water go in the second, smaller tank, which we don't
currently use, so that we can have separate drinking and washing water of
differing quality.