Lovina, North Bali to Ketapang Bay, Kangean Archipelago

Sun 25 Sep 2016 08:32
006:51.50S 115:13.70E
We left
Lovina at 4.00pm on Saturday 24th September to overnight to Ketapang
Bay in the Kangean archipelago 80 miles North of Bali. Syd had checked the forecast and there was a
front moving in which could bring some wind – certainly worth a chance for a
We got
sails up soon after leaving but the wind was just West of North so we used it
to head up the coast, tacking round squalls and RAIN (first serious rain we
have seen since we turned the corner at Cape York, Australia). The wind swung round to the South and we
headed North. It was a busy night of
sail changes and rain with flashes of lightening and crashes of thunder, the
wind died and the motor went on several times during the night then the wind
picked up again now from the South East (right direction) and we sailed a fast 8
knot close reach into the Kangean Archipelago and sailed close hauled into the
lovely protected bay at Ketapang at 10.00am Sunday 25th September.