Cabo Verde

JJMoon Diary
Barry and Margaret Wilmshurst
Sun 2 Jun 2013 22:43
We are safely tucked up in Marina Mindelo on Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde.
It seems to be a very windy spot but that makes us all the more grateful to be
secured to a pontoon in a well-run marina. We arrived on Thursday
afternoon a little bedraggled with salt in our hair - we had experienced two
boisterous and splashy nights. The days had not been so bad but navigating
passages between two islands found us with 30 knots of wind on the nose and more
than two knots of current and tide against us. Our speed dropped off
dramatically, we upped the engine revs and started to glance anxiously towards
the fuel gauge. Water sluiced along the decks and splashed over the
spray-hood. It was alright, we got through before our reserves were
threatened, turned to port and surged south-west towards Mindelo with 30 knots
of wind behind and a foam-topped swell. As we turned in towards the harbour and
yacht marina we caught gusts of 40 knots (sustained wind speeds of over
34 knots constitutes a full gale) and after a very brief consultation decided to
anchor for the night and wait for easier conditions. I called the marina
to let them know of our arrival and intentions. “Come on in between the
blue boat and the steel boat.” “Sorry, with this wind I cannot hear you
very well, the anchorage looks crowded, can you advise the best spot?”
“No, you can see my chaps on the pontoon, they will help you, come in
there.” The marina master was strong-willed and insistent. “Change
of plan, Mags,” I yelled, “forget the anchor and dig out the warps and
fenders.” All the time I had the wheel in one hand, the radio in the other
and was struggling to hear anything over the wind. Looking round and over
my shoulder I noted the options for bailing out and retreating fade one by
one. Soon, all that was left to us was to go for it as directed and make
the best of it. We slid into the berth without bumping anything or
scratching anybody, the mate reckoning that she had never, ever arrived less
prepared. Not her fault. But we were very glad to be tied up
Mindelo waterfront and the old colonial custom house Taken overall the passage from Ascension was successful. At 1700 miles and
14 days it was one of our longer ones and included mixed conditions. We were
fortunate to find wind when we expected calms and were able to conserve fuel.
When we suffered from brisk headwinds during the last two days we had enough
left in the tank to press on.
The wind remained a nuisance all Friday; the pontoon was covered with spray
and swayed and bucked in the swell. We had not been ashore for 23 days and
were somewhat wobbly on our pins. Just to be out in wind like that is
tiring. But this is a great spot. The marina is well designed and
run. There are wi-fi, repair facilities, a small chandlery, and
knowledgeable advice. There is a floating bar and restaurant offering a
limited menu from breakfast time to 2130 with a very convivial atmosphere during
the early evening. Ashore, fresh fruit and vegetables are plentiful but
the shops are not well stocked with top-quality goods. This is not a
wealthy country. The food in some of the restaurants is excellent and the
policemen are tall and handsome. They are also helpful, and smile.
Cabo Verde is an African country but the atmosphere is European. We
went ashore for dinner on Thursday night and found a small hotel, the Gaudi,
where the light was dim and the food was prepared by a chef who cared.
“Live” music was provided by a soulful chap in a flat cap who played the classic
guitar very well and sometimes added his voice to deliver a mournful Portuguese
ballad. He was another man with a delightful smile. We shall return
to sample more of the menu and more of his evocative music.
Live music ---------------------------------------------------
We had another good meal with music last night.
Our German neighbours who left yesterday have just returned - their mains’l
is in tatters. It sounds like a serious problem because getting goods
imported here is far more difficult than in Namibia. It could take
months. For all of us it’s a constant battle.
Beautiful new sail |