Marina Taina, Tahiti

We are still here, waiting for parts. The
new chart plotting programme disc for Vista is said to be with the harbour
master and we shall go to find it this afternoon. The windlass parts are
reputedly still being cleared through customs. "Have patience,
We fired up the water damaged computer this morning, just to see whether it was deteriorating in its case at the bottom of the shower compartment. Away it went – as good as gold. It opened up at the screen showing the chart position where it received its little dollop of sea water. "Ironical", as they say, that it should recover on the very day that we get the new computer up and running. Not much news but here are some pictures: The reef in front of our boat provides a protected anchorage for many. This is sunset over Moorea. It also offers many chances of amusement from snorkelling and diving, surfing, surf riding and acrobatics by jet skis (frightening) as well as the simple pleasure of fishing. The right hand picture shows a man apparently walking on water as he crosses the reef, fishing I believe, not very far from where we are motoring home after a dive. Again this photo is not easy to see but it relates the small miracle of our defunct computer coming to life again and plainly shows the chart and the position where the drop of water that entered the cabin, and we thought wrote off the lap-top, was delivered, on June 4th 2007. |