To Gibraltar

JJMoon Diary
Barry and Margaret Wilmshurst
Fri 10 Nov 2006 18:53
Despite very wet weather in
Santa Eulalia, or perhaps because of it, we didn't want to leave and having
postponed our departure we decided to do a three night hop straight to
Gibraltar. The whole journey was fine - a mixture of fair winds
from astern and some quiet patches. We tested out the Hydrovane and
are pleased with the results. It seems to work! And without too much
hassle. Over the three nights we each had a worrying time
during one of our watches. Barry had a cargo
ship that headed first to pass us to port, then to
starboard and back again. It was very difficult to know what it was
up to. Barry thinks it was looking for a place to anchor but it kept him
on his toes for a while. Mags had a terrible fright when a
large trawler headed at break-neck speed straight out from the coast in
front of her. Trying to dodge with all sails set and without an
involuntary gybe left her with knees knocking and a renewed horror of fishing
boats. She now loves the large solid ferries and cruise ships that at
least are steady in their direction, dangerous though they could
The last night was spent in
trying to slow down! If we hadn't we would have arrived in Gib. at
about 5:00 am. It was very impressive coming up to the rock with large gas
tankers blazing with lights and the rock rearing dark behind. We
eventually came in at around 8:00 am and pottered around waiting for marina
offices to open. We found a berth in Queensway Quay Marina which is
beautifully placed near the town, has a very nice atmosphere, friendly,
pleasant staff, a great restaurant on the front, and a laundry just round the
corner. In fact we are lacking for nuffin' at present.