
have traduced MailaSail’s software.
Brother Martin advises that the speeds shown are in kilometres per
hour. So: 12Kph; about 7.5Mph;
about 6.8 Knots; about right. My
apologies to all. We
have been bowling along pretty well for the last twenty-four hours. You should see a good stride from
yesterday’s position. We get the
occasional splash and it is difficult to move about down below but otherwise all
is positive. We
nearly had a bit of excitement on Monday.
Peter from Chatti called on the satphone to say that there was a boat in
trouble, drifting without her rudder and skeg. How were we placed to help? After a few minutes comparing positions
on the plotter I called back to say that we were about 345 miles upwind of her
and could be there in 48 hours.
Fortunately there were several boats much closer than us and we were
stood down before we had even got under way. While busy with the computer and phone I
could see the mate washing up and clearing the ship for action. She looked thoughtful. I asked if she was thinking of issuing
the whole ship’s company with clean underwear to be ready for any
eventuality. She said, “No,” she
was thinking about the etiquette of bed linen. Should she change the sheets to receive
honoured, rescued guests, or would desperate and grateful rescuees wish to be
treated as members of the family and rub along with the existing sheets? I do not know where you look that
up. It was
a good example of the increasing use of satphones; I think they must be taken on
board by more and more cruising yachties. Peter and Chris left
phone has made a very significant contribution to the enjoyment of the
enterprise. I originally
under-estimated the benefits of MailaSail’s slick compression software and the
impact of the Google maps and position data which have given such encouragement
to the e-mails and blogs. It has
been great to be able to exchange so many mails with friends who are interested
in what is going on out here. We
are thinking of throwing a big party for all JJ Moon’s virtual crew.