
JJMoon Diary
Barry and Margaret Wilmshurst
Sun 28 Oct 2012 19:36
We tied up in Richards Bay at 0720 local time on Sunday October 28.
We had crossed the Indian Ocean. With three varied and interesting
stop-overs, mainly fine weather and a few challenges it was overall a very
rewarding experience.
On the whole the weather was good. We had a day of strong winds as we
left the Sunda Strait, an unpleasant night leaving Rodriguez and two days of
strong winds SE of Madagascar. During those two days morale was fragile
because we were having to suffer rather while beating slowly south instead of
rushing west towards our goal. We had been routed that way so that we
didn’t arrive at the dreaded Agulhas current simultaneously with a southerly
gale. Apart from that all went well. Even the forecast Big Blow on
the last day did not really materialize; we had gusts of 30 knots, not 40 as
threatened by some. At the last we motored serenely across the current in
an ever-slackening breeze under a full moon. A great last night.
From reading the accounts of other cruisers it appears we may have been
Jim has done really well for us. He is a good seaman, a resourceful
fixer and, best of all, very enjoyable company. We wish him and his boat
Puff many happy voyages.
Commanders’ Weather Corp. our forecasters and routers also gave
satisfaction. We shall turn to them again next year when we head up the
Now we are administratively frustrated. Our yellow flag is flying but
there are no officials around to clear us. We are tied up outside a big,
British, traditional gaff-rigged cutter, just astern of Quantum Leap who have
been waiting four days already and still have not been cleared in. It’s
Sunday today but tomorrow we really hope for some action. It is very
crowded here; there will be little room to squeeze in all the boats we know are
coming behind us. It could be interesting.
Our plans are fluid but right now we think we might be here for a couple of
weeks before moving on to Durban. We shall make our way slowly towards
Capetown in January while taking some time out to see something of this
beautiful country and a few big animals. We plan to leave mid-January or
February and sail north up the middle of the Atlantic towards the Canary
Even after a mountain of celebratory bacon and eggs the mate has discovered
that at last she is down to the weight that has been her target for the last 20
years. But, she says, was is really necessary to suffer so much for
And finally: we have reached longitude 28° East whereas Kemer in Turkey,
whence we set out in May 2006 full of hope and trepidation, is at 31° East so I suppose you could
say......? No, no, quite right. It is of no significance whatsoever.