Gibraltar to Santa Cruz de Tenerife

----- Original Message -----
From: Barry
To: JJMoon Diary
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Gibraltar to Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Before setting off we went round to the fuel berth passing the QE2
tied up and the Maltese Falcon manoeuvring towards her berth. I think she is the No.1 sailing
super-yacht in the world at present, probably the largest, with square rigged
sails rolling into the mast like blinds. All the mags. have been covering
her trials with interest. We felt
we were where it was all happening.
We left for the Canaries with a good forecast, sailed west beyond
Tarifa Point and then turned to port at the end of the Straits separation zone
to head roughly south-west. The
course took us parallel with the African coast for much of the way. During our second night the wind picked
up until we realized that far from bowling along in the north-east trades we
were fighting a southerly gale. A
bit of a shock. For twelve hours
the wind varied between forces seven and nine, from 42 to 46 knots for an hour
or so and I noted at least one gust of 49 knots. The autopilot could not hold the course
and at one point we ran off before the wind. Nevertheless, the ship and her crew held
together well. Probably really only
a “summer gale”. We found one leak,
where the port forward lower shrouds pass through the deck. The crew noticed that we were getting
stronger and more rested as the days went by and we reached Graciosa, a small
island just north of Lanzarote, in good shape after just under five days and 610
Graciosa is
highly recommended by all the pundits as being quiet, off the tourist track, no
metalled roads and safe. All true;
the harbour master is a real gent. and a pleasure to do business with. He insisted on letting us have our first
night free of charge and took 6 euros 80 off me for the second. Helpful Australians who took our lines
on arrival I recognized as having been in Poros last year. They had re-discovered the cruising
community after a year in Not wanting to
miss out on a fair wind we left on 21st November for the 150 mile
trip to This place is a bit of a contrast; a large bustling town with
smart shops and most facilities. We
shall be here at least until 27th. Once the ARC has left Gran Canaria we
shall go there for a rendezvous with our satphone supplier. Our unit has a “bug.” He is going to replace
it. Barry |