A nice peaceful Sunday morning

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Sun 5 Jun 2022 12:50
48:18N 12:10W
After the various trials and tribulations of recent days we are enjoying a
very pleasant morning making steady progress under sail in the right direction
with decent wind and some sunshine.
We motored for a few hours last evening after fixing the engine enjoying
the dulcet tones of a diesel, then switched it off with a degree of
apprehension(in case it wouldn’t start again, though the electrical starting
circuit had never been the problem) at midnight when the wind had increased
sufficiently. Hopefully the wind will continue decently and we can conserve our
Simon took us past the 300 miles to go to Newlyn milestone earlier, but is
concerned to hear who won the Derby yesterday so any news on that would be
gratefully received. Meanwhile Allan has been busy treating us to bacon and
scrambled eggs and doing some running repairs to the boat. He has done well with
the electrics and plumbing involved in fitting a replacement domestic fresh
water pump, but has not yet succeeded at the carpentry challenge of re-attaching
the pan cupboard hinge!
The engine started fine earlier when we gave it a quick test for
reassurance and the jury rigged forestay seems to be holding up fine. We are
still in twice daily contact with the Coastguard who are monitoring our onward
safe passage. We are keeping options open as to whether to call in to Newlyn for
a pit stop for fuel or whether to continue direct to Dartmouth as originally
planned. They are both in the same direction for at least 36 hours so no hurry
on that decision. |