YB tracking

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Wed 17 Nov 2021 23:30
We now have our “Yellow Brick “ installed onboard, a GPS transponder which will show our position every 4 hours during the Atlantic crossing until we get to St Lucia.
I will update our position every couple of days on this blog, but that uses different technology - and needs manual input- so the YB system is more reliable and shows how we are doing in the race.
To follow us on YB you need the app (of course!) and then click on Atlantic Rally for Cruisers 2021, or ARC 2021. Don’t bother with ARC + , they started 10 days ago and stop in Cape Verde islands.
Don’t be surprised if we are one of the slowest boats at the back- we will not be slacking, it is just that we are one of the smallest boats and length = speed!

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