Saturday 19th - Anegada road trip

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Mon 21 Mar 2022 09:45
Having been a bit critical of Anegada on our visit with the guys last week, this time we decided to stay a second night and use the day to explore the island.
I went ashore in the morning to arrange a car rental, then we set off on our road trip, though with an island only 9 miles long and the roads not going to the eastern end it was never going to be an arduous journey!
First stop was the salt lakes with a sizeable distant flock of pink flamingos and other birds, we couldn’t find the iguana sanctuary and the museum was closed. Lunch of conch salad and roti was had at a rather windswept Flash of Beauty Beach. Continuing the tour after lunch, we were alarmed to find a crashed scooter with an injured Danish driver and her friend. She was in a lot of pain with very nasty deep grazes and a damaged shoulder. After making a call we took her to the clinic which was fortunately opened for her on a Saturday afternoon as there is no hospital on the island. We learned the next day that she had been flown to Tortola and a broken collar bone had been diagnosed, so I doubt she will be sailing on with the yacht.
We then headed on to Cow Wreck Bay, a more sheltered beach for a swim, then cocktails and phone calls at Lobster Trap bar before heading back for supper onboard. During the course of the trip back to Raven, the outboard started making strange stuttering noises ( not operator error this time ) so we were glad to make it to the stern as Abby also has a second broken rowlock which makes rowing difficult!
It was good to have seen the island properly.

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