Tuesday 15th - Where shall we eat?
RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Thu 17 Mar 2022 08:45
After our walk on Norman Is we left the mooring and went close to the Leeke-style yacht/cruise ship STAR FLYER anchored at the entrance to the bay. We sailed back across Sir Francis Drake Channel and got to a mooring buoy in Brandywine Bay. The purpose of this was to have supper ashore at a restaurant with a fabulous view of the Channel and Islands and also arguably the best food in the BVIs.
It soon became apparent why the moorings were empty- the restaurant is closed on a Monday and Tuesday!!
After lunch at the buoy we headed south across the Channel to Peter Island, then realising that the two ashore supper options there were closed either due hurricane reconstruction or wrong day of the week . Fortunately we had sufficient food onboard and enjoyed some roast veggies and chicken pieces onboard at a mooring in Great Harbour.
The wind howled in the night with gusts of 25 knots despite the harbour being theoretically sheltered.