The volcano didn’t erupt in the night!

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Wed 19 Jan 2022 05:44
Fortunately, Mt Pelee did not erupt in the night and it was very calm at anchor despite the pilot book warning that it can be rolly and bouncy here.
Great success with the mk2 attempt with the Dominica entry form and I am now welcome there! I am not going ashore in Martinique unfortunately as it becomes another hassle of tests and form filling etc (the joys of sailing in Covid era!) and will head on up to Dominica today. I was having a bit of a race with Louise as her flight from San Fran missed a connection in Puerto Rico so she was there for a while but made it to Dominica last night. I will have the French coffee and croissants in Guadeloupe next month!