Tuesday 25th. -WTB

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Sat 29 Jan 2022 09:19
Dominica has the Caribbean’s only long distance trail , the Wai’tikubuli National Trail (WTB), which zig zags from south to north. The whole thing takes 10-14 days (and needs to be done on a future visit!) , on Tuesday I did the last two sections 13&14 in the north .
Trail varies between dense undergrowth and open path, with a section along the shoreline at base of cliffs. Fab scenery with great views across to Guadeloupe and Marie Galante. I saw no other walkers all day and shared the trail only with goats, crabs and lizards.
A conveniently sited beach cafe Keepin’ItReal provided good refreshment towards the end!

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