More joy with BVI Customs & Immigration

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Sat 26 Mar 2022 09:24
I hesitate to write this blog as I very much recognise that my hassles this week are totally insignificant compared with what the brave people of Ukraine are going through. They have been very much on my mind as I have not been sailing and so able to hear more radio reports.
After being threatened with prosecution by Customs when we arrived in the BVIs 3 weeks ago, it was with some trepidation that I went to the Immigration office on Wednesday to get my 30 day stay extended by a couple of weeks. I gaily thought this would be a fairly straightforward evolution. How wrong!
The first obstacle was when I was told it couldn’t be extended until nearer the expiry on 3rd April. I dodged that one fairly easily by saying I would be sailing the previous week, but was thrown by the news that RAVEN would have to be “imported “ into the BVIs before my stay could be extended. This sounded complicated, but wasn’t too bad in theory. A trip to Customs explained the process. Forms had to be filled, documents provided including uk registration and insurance documents, proof of marina berth etc and then I trekked back to Customs to be told it would take a few days, potentially sabotaging the sailing with Amy next week.
The good news e mail on Thursday afternoon that the permit would be ready for collection on Friday proved to be hollow…….it took 6 visits yesterday to two different Customs offices and several hours of queuing and trekking backwards and forwards before I got the permit, which is at least a suitably grand looking document!
That was not the end however as I then legged it to Immigration, getting there 5 minutes before they closed to applications, waited over an hour before being taken to an interview room to be quizzed on why I wanted to extend. Finally SUCCESS - the passport was duly stamped!
Another $ 215 into the BVI coffers for the 2 transactions.

P.S Jon - don’t be alarmed, the UK registration or VAT etc is not affected any way by the import!

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