Saturday/Sunday 12/13

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Sun 13 Mar 2022 20:04
18:23.938N 64:38.134W
Leaving Norman island, we sailed round the corner to the delightful Little Harbour Bay on Peter Island. Snorkelling, lunch and listening (in frustration, suspense and disappointment!) to the England- Ireland match on the radio. After a gentle sail later in the afternoon, we got to Nanny Cay marina and topped up with diesel.
An entertaining supper ashore for the chaps to have their final instalment of BVI service, then Sunday was packing and form filling day for the guys, as well as them preparing the fishing kit for guaranteed success of future passages. Thanks Andrew, John and Jon for a fun fortnight, I think my liver is just about alive!
For me it was laundry day and boat jobs in readiness for next crew of Catherine and Poppy who join tomorrow. We last sailed together in Hong Kong (with Graham as skipper!) over 40 years ago, though Poppy joined Raven up in Scotland in 2014.

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