A shame about the carrot and spinach dal

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Wed 4 May 2022 11:16
34:21N 58:15.2W
Steady progress over the last 24 hours averaging 5 knots mostly goosewinged with the genoa poled out. Covid symptoms fine. Main excitement of the day was Louise being hoisted up the mast to sort a problem with a lazy jack line which had become detached. Fortunately she did not have to go very far up and made it safely back to the deck.
Main (and only!) disappointment of the day was realising that we had left several suppers of pre cooked and frozen carrot dal in the freezer at Ann’s Air BnB............I hope you found them Ann and can use some before you leave, likewise the bacon! It is not a particular problem for us, we have plenty of other food.
Today and tomorrow could get tedious for us with very little wind predicted, Simon Rowell our met/routeing guy is sending useful messages and anecdotes. We have so far been spared the squalls he has been warning us about, though there was a big electrical storm going on last night to the north and then east of us.