3 Jan - farewell to Louise and Ollie

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Thu 6 Jan 2022 16:58

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After an overnight stop in Marigot Bay, we sailed back to Rodney Bay on the Sunday morning and went back to our previous berth C7 in a marina which is now way way quieter compared to the post -ARC buzz. A good walk and lunch over on Pigeon Island was followed by a curfew from 1700 which put a bit of a damper on the last evening activities but we hadn’t been short of them during their holiday.
A lovely 10 days came to an end when they got taxi to airport on the Monday morning. They recovered well from the nasty wet seasickness passage to St Vincent on day 2 and I am looking forward to us sailing together again on the crossing back from Bermuda in May….. though I should meet Louise in Dominica week after next !