Tuesday in the Bay

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Tue 24 Aug 2021 10:25
46:07.1N 6:55.8W
Making good progress across the Bay of Biscay with only 170 miles left to run until La Coruna.
After passing Ushant yesterday morning we have been able to maintain a direct line to La Coruna despite the wind veering and strengthening.
A great sunset last night , accompanied by a small pod of energetic dolpins, followed a couple of hours later by an orange full (maybe another day yet?) full moon rising  last night.
We took the pole off  the genoa this morning and now have wind nicely on port beam, with 2 reefs in main and reefed genoa. We haven’t used the asymetric yet, winds generally too strong.
Hope to get to La Coruna late Wednesday afternoon, early evening.