Calm before the storm

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Fri 13 May 2022 18:14
38:52N 33:19W
Very calm 24 hours, with the engine on for most of it. We had a bar night last night with fizzy soft drinks all round, followed by (another) veggie chilli for supper. Ollie had his best sleep of the voyage so far with the relatively level boat and quiet hum of the engine – so much so that he slept through his 7am watch alarm.
The Atlantic was like a lake for a beautiful sunrise this morning. Starting to see lots more birds which hopefully means land must be getting closer?! Still seeing lots of man-of-war jelly fish, and a pod of dolphins showed up to watch Dob’s deck bucket shower.
Most of today has been spent getting Raven and crew ready for the higher winds we’re expecting over the weekend.  Prep included tri sail training, and rigging the storm gib to have ready on deck as we’re still nervous about our bandaged genoa furling line. Crew prep has included naps and nutrition (ie tea and cake).
Only 200 miles to go to Horta, so all going well we should get in on Sunday.