We have left the tropics
RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Sat 9 Apr 2022 12:31
23:35.4N 64:30.2W
Continuing to make good progress, averaging 6.94 knots over the 24 hours to
8am local time this morning, though speed is dropping a bit as the wind reduces.
The money spent on divers doing a good clean of the hull in Tortola was
certainly well spent.
We are not sure of the exact latitude of the tropics (and google is not
online} – 23:30N, or some other minutes? – but either way we are leaving them
today which is a shame and we will be leaving the trade wind belt tomorrow and
getting more into the Atlantic frontal systems, so progress will probably not
continue to be so smooth!
The fishing gear was out for a few hours yesterday when we were probably
going too fast , and back out this morning so we can look forward to catch
reports in future blogs ha ha. It seems that Mark is the only angler amongst us,
though he only does fly fishing and turns his nose up at our coarse “trawling”
fishing , so he is getting his excuses in early for not catching anything!
Bilal is keeping busy trying to stop the various irritating leaks (hatches
and lockers, so nothing too serious!) that RAVEN seems to have developed
after 6 months in hot weather. He has failed so far to fix the log problem – our
speed through the water is showing zero – but we remain confident.
Touching wood as i type, the e mail and IT hassles of the outward leg have
been fixed i believe. I had stupidly forgotten that i had changed the DNS
settings on my laptop in the Canaries in order to try and get iPlayer, so i had
screwed the system up. Fortunately after a lot of testing and fiddling over the
last couple of weeks in was able to sort the issue..........so i have saved
about 2 hours a day of IT faffing!