4 days to go

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Tue 7 Jun 2011 16:01
Hi all
The title says it all, the wind has dropped and looks down for the next 2
days, so Saturday morning it is. We are under spinnaker for the 1st time
since the Atlantic. I got it repaired in St Lucia, repacked it in Trinidad
and thank god I did it correct as I set it by myself this morning as Vic is
still asleep. If things had gone wrong, there would have been a little panic
onboard. Anyway doing 6kts on calm sea's all I need now is to get my sax out
and play a tune on the fore deck...think I will wait for everyone to wake up
as they may think it's a cruise liners horns going off mid Pacific. Spirits
are high, email working, everything onboard working now so happy days.
All our love