Stupid Skipper

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Tue 7 Dec 2010 04:58
Well the title says it all....we were pushing hard to get to ST Lucia Sunday
before night fall, I had the chute up and running it close to it's limit. At
hand over between Vicki and Christian, Vicki went to the loo, and somehow,
dont know yet, (as my language and mood were not up for reasonable
conversation) Christian did something and the spinnaker wrapped and
Totally my fault as I knew I was running on the edge doing 8-10 kts with the
chute up. OK so quite an expensive mistake (£3,500) but not a train smash.
So it looks like Monday now, I have the little jib up till I can see if the
big drifter is free to fly (dont want to loose both big sails)
So even though it's not my watch i have sent them both to bed so I can calm
down and be rational! ( I think Vicki is just relieved she was not on the
helm when it happened)
So that's it for winning (not that we stood a chance) Now I just have to
make sure that we keep enough speed to beat the two 44ft Pagots that are hot
on my heels. Last I checked they were 100 odd miles back. Was hoping to beat
the 57 ft Lagoon in, and we were about 50 miles ahead before this happened.
yes I know me on our little39 ft trying to beat the big boats that should
easily beat us!
Luckily I'm not competitive or else I would take this really badly.