Pics from holiday

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Tue 26 Oct 2010 11:23
Hi All
So we just had a weeks holiday with Neil, Clair and
Jake, so it's back to school work boat work, getting ready for the crossing in
less than 4 weeks. Slow down on the wine and eating out and try normality for a
while. I was really surprised how well we coped having 3 extra people on board
(although the winks are more like 5 extra) The boat seems to accommodate
everyone fine without tripping over each other. It was great having our mates
out swimming sailing playing bridge (yes V is getting good at it)
Hiking up the volcano on Graciosa
Resting at the top look at the bodies on those
boys...not scrumhalfs
Jess was amazing she walked all the way up and down
the volcano at the end we raced the boys down and won
The bay from up top
Best mates