Moving on

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Mon 20 Dec 2010 19:36
Hi All

Well we had the prize giving on Saturday night. We came 5th overall in the Cat class which is not too bad. many people said we should have won, but 2 boats higher than us, the winner a 62 ft lagoon claimed no engine hours!! Even though they pulled into Cape Verde....obviously for bananas (everyone else went in for fuel) They were actually booed by the ARC participants when they went to receive the prize. The Other boat Occasion that we were 30 miles ahead with 2 days to go were in the same winds as us, but managed without using there engine to overtake us even though we lighter and need to run the engines. 
But as we mentioned before the race our handicap really took us out of it from the start.

On the soft side we won prize for the best blogs, a really lovely picture of us crossing the finish line. The kids won a prize for the best wall painting and got certificates for crossing the Atlantic, which was quite nice.

So we are off tomorrow, heading down to the Grenadines, going to a few of the best islands in the Carib, Mystique Tobago Keys and Caricou.
Spending Xmas there with a few boats. Then back to ST Lucia to head to the USA for a few weeks.

Hope everyone has a good xmas, we are well rested now after the crossing and looking forward to cruising for a few months while we decide what next is on our agenda.