7 days to go...we hope

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Sat 4 Jun 2011 00:17
07.00s 119.20w

Hi all

we have had a very rough 24 hours, the wind luckily has changed behind us,
but the seas are confused and huge. Last night we were down to a slither of
sail surfing down waves at 11 kts....pretty scary, if that was not enough we
were on collision course with a ship. Luckily we made contact and I managed
to slow the boat down so we went a mile behind him. Needless to say we have
had very little sleep.
Spirits are high though, the kids are doing well, tomorrow we have covered
2/3 of the way with 1000 to go.
Very fast passage, but not the docile pacific we expected