Slowly does it

Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Sun 12 Dec 2010 00:57
Today virtually no wind. I realized this morning that with the wind we had
there was no chance of getting in before late Sunday night. We decided
instead of making a night finish, we would rather finish on Monday morning
and enjoy the sights of land during the day. So just about 36 hours and we
will slowly cruise across the finish line. It was a hard decision as we all
just want to get there now, but think daylight will be more fun.
At least today we managed to get off the boat for a while....yes we went for
another mid Atlantic swim. Although this time a little more cautiously as
our SA friend Richard said sharks are quite prolific in these waters.
We fished today, caught a 1 meter Dorado, he's now in the freezer. we
watched some movies, did some laundry, Vicki did a spring clean of the
interior and generally a lazy day.
that's all for now
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