
Tim And Vicki Schofield, Captain Cal 7 and Jess 4
Tue 14 Jun 2011 01:42
09.48s 139.02w

FINALLY we made landfall at Fatu Hiva on Friday 10th at 6pm. Just before
dark, blowing a hoolie, in a very deep anchorage. How not to drop your
anchor!!! However, all was well, and after Tim emptied the remains of a
bottle of scotch, he snored his way till morning, leaving me on anchor
watch. I just couldn't sleep!!!
We actually enjoyed the passage. It was quite peaceful most of the time.
Managed to get lots of school done much to the children's disgust!!! We had
a good routine going, which works well at sea. The only issue is now, we
have watched all our DVD's, eaten all the chocolate, and used all the
butter. But I did manage to perfect the perfect bread - AT LAST, only taken
me a year. Proper scratch baked from good old Delia Smith. And it worked
the following day, as I was rather concerned it was a one hit wonder, but
no, so Hurrah for me!!
Fatu Hiva was a very quiet island. Nothing for the cruiser, as in
facilities. There was a tap for water and a shop, where I treated myself to
some canned butter at £3. Good old Anchor butter from New Zealand, in the
middle of French Polynesia!
A strange place really. No airstrip here, so the only access is from the
shore via ship. A few cows, chickens, and goats that du roam on the
hill-side. We think that they must be very heavily subsidized by the French
as they all drive around in brand new Hilux wagons. There does not seem to
be any way that they make a living other than selling fruit to us cruisers,
which they command high prices, not in cash but rum and beer, pencils and
paper. Luckily for us we have a boat full of all of those!
We took a hike up to a waterfall, which was a well needed leg stretch, and
great fun.
Now we have moved onto to Niku Hiva, which is a larger island, and shall
explore tonight with our friends Dream Catcher who arrived today from their
long crossing.
That's all for now will update tomorrow with photos hopefully.