Friday - 33.58N 55.04W

Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Fri 1 Jun 2012 16:53
We are now at the 1/4 way mark. The wind is slightly fresher now so we are making good progress eastwards. To the north there are a number of weather systems resulting in gales, including post-tropical storm Beryl, so our intention is to keep below a latitude of 34N until next week. Hopefully there will be some favourable wind then to head more northerly. However it is possible we may become stranded in the centre of the Azores high once these other weather systems have passed.
The watch system continues to work well, with us each being able to get 6 hours off-duty overnight.
Although we have spotted dolphins and porpoise nearly every day, we have so far not spotted any whales. Helen says she can see lots of water. We have not seen any other boats over the last 24 hours, and Avril has had no success with the fishing line.
Distance travelled so far from Bermuda 580 miles. Distance to go to Ponta DelGarda 1442 miles.