Crew Brookes Sign off
Trivia and statistics
Number of days on board 49
Distance travelled 1538.5nm
Ports visited 22
Best sailing area West Portuguese coast (Perfect wind)
Worst sailing area Mediterranean (No wind)
Favourite place Chipiona(H) Spanish Rias (A) Cascais (P)
Best anchorage
Cascais (Pretty)
Worst anchorage Roquetas de Mar (Too rolly)
Best marina La Coruna (Based on facilities and location)
View astern penultimate night
Highest temp 38*C
Lost overboard Clothes pegs (numerous) Cushion
Found/retrieved overboard Cushion, Panama hat
Worst food served on board Sushi (raw fish fingers)
Awesome view daytime Gibraltar Strait
Awesome view night-time Lightening storm
View ahead by moon light
Holiday song We no speak Americano
Number Spanish words learnt 3 (very poor-could try harder)
Books read 30 (Between 3 crew)
Most useful item Autohelm
Most useless item Heated electric blanket
Successful gadgets e-books (fab), washing machine( take for granted at home)
Failed gadgets Bimini (too small) Home made sunshade (total disaster)
Low point Seasickness in Biscay & crunching boat
High point Gibraltar Straight & dolphins. Time together as family
Would we do it again? Yes, but would take into account lessons learnt this time.......
Winter resting place; until next year. Adios!