Ria de Ares ; 043.25N 008.14W

Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Sun 18 Jul 2010 11:45
We spent a really peacefull night at Ares to the north of Ria de Ares, sheltered by the land, anchored in 4.5 metres. The wind dropped overnight and we all had a really restfull night, awaking to blue skies and lovely views.
The busy itinerary for the day includes sun-bathing, swimming and a barbeque lunch - oh, and Dad oiled some of the teak work!
Helen seemed to find the sea a little cold at first, though she kept assuring Dad that it was really warm, and he should come in. Not used to ignoring a challenge, Dad joined them, minus wet suit
Temperature is now over 35C as we prepare for lunch. Avril is carrying out some minor modifications to the sun-shade