Island Wanderer Blog Day 8 Sunday 27th November, 19:47N, 31:58.5W

Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Sun 27 Nov 2011 17:21
Day 8, Sunday again. One week at sea. How time flies (or sails!). We still have a fair wind, though it varies in strength and direction frequently which keeps us busy keeping sails trimmed (pressing buttons on the autohelm to keep sailing with the wind at the same apparent angle). The light winds are favouring the lighter boats taking part in the crossing.
We spotted another boat during the night, so guess we must be going somewhere in the right direction.
Temperatures are now very warm during the day – uncomfortable down below, though we still need long trousers and pullovers at night time.
Water tanks are full, which means even if we could not produce any more we should have enough until we reach St Lucia. The chartplotter reports 1694 miles to go, so we calculate if needs must we could motor to the end now – something we are very keen to avoid.
No fish, whales or dolphins to report.
Doug baked another cheesecake last night, so he is in everyone’s good books.
The sextant has reported a position to within 5 miles of the GPS, so no reason to believe that the GPS system is inaccurate! We will listen in to BBC World Service later to see if they broadcast the Formula 1 GP results.
The crew.