Honolulu pictures

Paul and Catherine Davis
Tue 31 May 2016 08:00
Our highlight to Honolulu was the arrival of our Canadian friends Bill and Cathy on sv Terrwyn, who are completing their circumnavigation. We last saw each other in New Zealand (Great Barrier Island) three years ago, kept in touch and our reunion was heart warming and exciting. We were able to make plans for our trip to Canada and of cause for some time here together in Hawaii.
                    ah 066
Being moored at the Hawaii Yacht Club, we were pleased to get together with some old and new faces of yachties preparing to sail to BC and USA mainland.
Thanks Britta for such a great shot of the crews of Terrwyn, North Star, Blue An’Teak, Desire, Astraea, Margaret Wroughton and Kahia
Our SSB net has grown to 27 yachts.Amazing, just from word of mouth.
        ah 075           Honolulu2

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