Still in Fatu-Hiva

Paul and Catherine Davis
Thu 21 Jun 2012 17:51
We were ready to leave yesterday but had the surprise of "Double Brown" arriving from the Galapagos with Jonny, his brother Paul and Suzana (Panama Transit!) We had to stay celebrating their Pacific Crossing and catching up with each other. We also had a wonderful Kaikai on Kahia with Roberto, Simone, Mick and Tenna, where the guitars, ukele and singing resonated in the Bay of Virgins.
Today we take Jon, Suzana and Paul to Omoa, so they can do the 4 hour walk back to Hanavave, while we hope to find Paul's sandals, which disappeared in the crowd leaving the Kaikai in the dark of the night. 
We are planning to sail to Hiva Oa tomorrow.