29 Sept – Preparing to leave

We have spent the last week getting organised for our impending departure. Most significantly, we moved the boat to it sat in the shallows near the beach. This meant that Nick could replace the missing propeller – after spending hours trying to establish its size and from where it could be purchased. The actual procedure only took about 45 mins though quite stressful as he had to do it standing in the water by touch only as visibility is about 3 cms. It would have been a bit tricky if he had dropped anything.
We took the car back to Bud and said our goodbyes – there is a chance we can meet up with him in Mexico next January. The rest of the tasks were mostly provisioning of food and spares for the boat, ready for the 600 mile trip south. Can’t have too many cable ties or duct tape! One of Nicks favourite phrases also pertinent here:
‘In the harsh marine environment many things break – luckily rum fixes them all’.